Does a carbon tax make sense?

Proposals to levy taxes on carbon seem to be popular. A recent example is a proposal in the Wall Street Journal by a couple dozen economists, some of them famous. Why tax carbon dioxide (CO2)? The goal is to persuade people to use less fossil fuels, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and the risk of global warming. … Continue reading Does a carbon tax make sense?

Sorry, AOC and de Blasio, only the middle class can pay for the Big Government you want

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the young, recently-elected Congresswoman from New York who has been in the news quite a bit lately. Bill de Blasio is the mayor of New York. Both have grand plans for expanding the size of government. Both also say they can pay for Big Government by taxing the rich. In a … Continue reading Sorry, AOC and de Blasio, only the middle class can pay for the Big Government you want

Why defend free trade?

Over the past fifty years, Republican politicians generally supported free trade while Democrat politicians generally opposed it. Not always, but generally. Then along came Trump, who repeatedly voiced his displeasure with free trade. Some Republican politicians have followed him into opposing free trade. As for Democrats, they usually support with vigor whatever Trump opposes, but … Continue reading Why defend free trade?

Rebutting “Five Myths About Capitalism”

The Washington Post recently published an article by Steven Pearlstein titled “Five Myths About Capitalism.” This is a rebuttal of the issues raised in that article. Myth 1: Greed makes markets work Pearlstein: According to Pearlstein, capitalists believe capitalism runs on greed. As evidence of this he cites Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ and Gordon Gekko from … Continue reading Rebutting “Five Myths About Capitalism”

Has employment fully recovered from the Great Recession?

In mid-2017 I looked at whether unemployment had dropped to normal levels after the ‘Great Recession’ of 2008-2009. The conclusion was that unemployment had substantially improved since the recession but wasn’t as good as pre-recession levels. Where do we stand in late 2018? Let’s take a look. Definition of unemployment The Bureau of Labor Statistics … Continue reading Has employment fully recovered from the Great Recession?

What causes budget deficits, and how can we solve them?

My last couple posts have shown how much US government spending has mushroomed over the past century and in which categories. In this post we’ll look at federal budget deficits. History of budget deficits The graph below shows federal budget deficits and surpluses from 1955 to 2018. These are inflation-adjusted 2009 dollars from OMB. A … Continue reading What causes budget deficits, and how can we solve them?