Capitalism is… books

It is easy to overlook the miracles of capitalism. They surround us, but they blend in and become invisible. They become the ‘new normal.’ We take them for granted. This helps explain why some people don’t give capitalism the credit it deserves. So, let’s shed light on some of these miracles. Here, we’ll look at … Continue reading Capitalism is… books

Is capitalism compatible with Christianity?

Pope Francis has made several comments that are at least somewhat anti-capitalist. This is not totally surprising, since he hails from one of the most anti-capitalist countries on the planet, Argentina. He is not alone. Others have also questioned whether capitalism is compatible with Christianity. This then becomes a reason to criticize capitalism. Is capitalism … Continue reading Is capitalism compatible with Christianity?

With capitalism, who holds power?

Some people believe that corporations in a capitalist economy wield tremendous power. Hollywood movie plots reinforce this view by depicting corporations as powerful and shadowy entities. Is this accurate? Not really. In the real world, (a) corporations wield far less power than imagined, (b) consumers and employees hold more power than they think, and (c) … Continue reading With capitalism, who holds power?

Is 3% Growth Possible?

The growth rate of the US economy has been in the news recently, for a couple reasons. First, economic growth in recent years has been lower than the historical average of roughly 3%. This has led some people to predict low growth as the new normal. Second, the budget released last week by the Trump […]