Are electric cars inevitable?

Are electric vehicles (EV’s) inevitable? Some people think so. The most ambitious forecast I’ve seen predicts that 95% of automobile miles driven in the US will come from EV’s by 2030. That’s a steep climb from today, when EV’s account for roughly 1% of new vehicle sales. Early days EV’s are not new. The early … Continue reading Are electric cars inevitable?

Which way will China go?

(I'm posting this on Tuesday instead of the usual Thursday because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers!)  In recent decades, the Chinese government has allowed its citizens to keep more of their economic freedom. As a result, China posted excellent economic growth and greatly reduced poverty. However, more recent signs … Continue reading Which way will China go?

US not the beacon of freedom you think

Historically, the US has been known as a beacon of freedom. Unfortunately, that reputation has become tarnished over the past ten to fifteen years. I’m referring to economic freedom, not political freedom. Economic freedom means that each person is free to work, produce, consume, and invest as they wish. This involves personal choice, voluntary buying … Continue reading US not the beacon of freedom you think